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Frequently Asked Questions on Yoursmartdevice marketplace.

Do you sell products directly?

No, we don’t. We summarize price information from a lot of different retailers so you could see all of it in one place conveniently. If you click on one of the offers you will be directed to their home page / product page and you can make a purchase there.

Who handles the shipping?

Shipping, returns and all other similar services are carried out by the retailer you made the purchase from. Please contact them directly if you have any questions related to these matters.

If I can’t find the shop I’m interested in?

We are constantly adding new offers & retailers but there are definitely many shops we haven’t yet been able to list. If you would like to see offers from a specific retailer on our site please contact us using

If the price of a specific product & shop is not shown?

We do our best to crawl the price information and keep it up to date but sometimes we are not able to fetch the specific price. If you see an offer from a retailer but no price listed please press the “See deal” button and you will still be forwarded to the product site of that specific shop. 

Price not shown

If the price of a product is incorrect?

There can sometimes be crawling errors but mostly we are able to discover and correct them. If you see an error that’s not fixed please feel free to contact us and we will have it updated!

If product info is incorrect?

If you see some information that is not correct please let us know using the email address or by filling the contact form at the bottom of the home page and we will fix it immediately. 

How can I search for different products?

You can search for products by either clicking on “All Products” in the header menu or “Products” on the footer menu. Then you can either search for a specific product or choose a product category that opens up an additional layer of filters. You can also always use the search bar on top.

Here are the latest products listed on Yoursmartdevice marketplace: